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Child identity theft by a parent can go unnoticed for years if guardians don’t spot early warning signs. How does it unfold? What can you do about it?
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Kevin Barnaby Jr. fell prey to child identity theft before his 4th birthday — at the hands of his father [*]. With a clean credit score, Kevin was an easy target. All the man needed was his child’s social security number (SSN) to open fraudulent credit card accounts.
Over 915,000 children were victims of identity theft from July 2021 to July 2022 — with over 67% claiming they personally knew the perpetrator [*].
This article will explore how and why parents steal their children's identities and who is most vulnerable. What are the warning signs to watch out for? How do you report child identity theft by a parent? And, finally, how can you protect children from putting their identities at risk?
Child identity theft refers to the fraudulent use of a minor's personally identifiable information (PII). Scammers may be after financial gains, such as opening bank accounts, obtaining credit, applying for loans, or making purchases.
Criminals will target sensitive information, such as a child’s SSN, which parents receive soon after their child is born. Other personal information at risk includes the following:
As the Federal Trade Commission received 23,000 reports of identity theft and 42,000 reports of fraud for people under the age of 19, it’s clear this problem is growing.[*]
📚 Related: My Mom Stole My Identity. Should I Report Her? →
You might think child identity fraud is the result of a data breach, hackers on the Dark Web, or strangers rifling through your mailbox. However, sometimes, the thief is the person a child should be able to trust more than anyone in the world.
Parents already have access to all the personal information and documents needed for identity fraud. When a thief has a child’s PII, they can carry out various types of child identity theft, such as:
Why would parents knowingly inflict financial harm and emotional stress on their child? Many circumstances could lead to child identity theft by a parent:
Regardless of who the perpetrator is, the motivation and means are often the same — the thief is someone who needs money and sees an easy target.
Thieves can take advantage of a child's clean record to apply for credit cards and loans and go undetected for years. Many cases of child identity theft by a parent go undiscovered until the victim is much older, usually when they apply for credit as an adult.
📚 Related: Family Identity Theft Protection: The Parental Guide →
Some perpetrators may face financial trouble, like the circumstances mentioned above. They may think it’s okay to use their child’s identity temporarily. But if you don’t pay it back, you will damage your child’s credit score and set them up for financial hardship when they reach adulthood.
The law remains the same, regardless of the circumstances. It doesn’t matter if you know the child or if you’re the parent — it’s still identity theft. And child identity theft by parents is still a crime.
Aside from the financial repercussions, child identity theft by parents can destroy the relationship and split families. When the truth finally comes out, some siblings may side with the parents.
Despite the betrayal, many victims of child identity theft don't take legal action against their parents. The victim may feel conflicted about whether to report the fraud to the police so as to not jeopardize their parents. Even so, this dilemma doesn't make the theft any less damaging — it is a crime with severe consequences.
📚 Related: How To Repair Your Credit After Identity Theft →
Any child could be a victim, anywhere. But some kids are more at risk than others, especially if they are raised in an unstable environment. For example, the following groups are more likely to become victims of identity theft:
Foster youth are at the mercy of innumerable adults who access their documents and PII. Whereas many children have at least one parent or guardian to look out for their well-being, foster children don’t have that security.
If you don’t know how to check if your identity has been stolen and nobody is looking out for you, it's easy to become a victim.
📚 Related: Internet Safety Tips for Kids & Teens (Parents Need To Know) →
There may be some incidences of collusion between parents, where they work together to run child identity theft scams. However, in many cases, the fraudster operates alone, unbeknownst to the rest of the family.
If your child (or a child you know) receives any of the following, consider them as potential signs of child identity theft:
If you spot some of these red flags, the next thing you should do is request a credit report for your child. Children don't normally have credit reports unless a parent or guardian puts a freeze on the credit.
If you find there is already an open credit report in your child's name, they're almost certainly a victim of child identity theft.
It can be quite a shock to learn of a victim — especially if you suspect a parent. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you limit the damage and take back control to stop the thief in their tracks.
You might already have a suspect after spotting some of the above warning signs, but it’s important to approach this situation delicately. The thief may not openly admit their guilt or accept the severity of their crime.
Consider doing the following:
Should you choose to confront the suspect, before you have the conversation, get clarity on your boundaries, for example:
If you have any doubts about your suspect, it’s best not to jump to conclusions. Emotions run high in cases of familial fraud, and the fallout can impact many others aside from the thief and the victim.
Ultimately, the more pressing matter is to exonerate the victim by proving there has been a case of child identity theft by a parent.
📚 Related: How To Avoid the Financial Hardship Department Scam →
If you’ve already discovered an open credit report in the child’s name or other signs of identity theft, you need to stop the problem from getting worse.
Consider doing the following:
The authorities can make a note on the files about the alleged identity theft — but you will need to supply evidence. You must collect anything that will help you prove a child has been targeted by an identity thief.
Consider doing the following:
📚 Related: What Can Someone Do With Your Social Security Number? →
It’s important to report identity theft to the FTC, as they can provide you with an official identity theft report that helps you back up your claims of child identity theft when you contact affected companies.
Consider doing the following:
📚 Related: My Child Used My Credit Card Without Permission — Help! →
With your evidence in hand, get in touch with the lenders to notify them of the suspected fraud.
Consider doing the following:
📚 Related: Did You Accidentally Give a Scammer Your SSN? Here's What To Do →
Sometimes, identity thieves won’t just rack up debts on a credit card. In cases of child identity theft by a parent, the perpetrator might use their child’s identity to claim tax refunds or unemployment benefits.
Consider doing the following:
This critical report is often one step too far for many victims. Despite the severe consequences financial fraud may cause, many children don't want to get their parents in trouble.
However, while reporting child identity theft by a parent is not an easy decision, doing so helps police investigate the fraud and restore the child's identity. If a child's identity was used during a crime or traffic infraction, going to the police may be the only way to clear the victim’s name.
Consider doing the following:
Minors don’t regularly check their credit reports or bank statements until they are much older. This makes child identity theft that much more attractive to thieves. Like most types of identity theft, it’s best to be proactive. Here are four steps you can take to protect children.
A security freeze blocks access to children’s credit reports and denies all credit applications.
Here’s how:
Discuss personal information with your kids to help them understand the importance of staying safe — especially online.
Here’s how:
📚 Related: The Most Unbelievable Identity Theft Stories of All Time →
While child identity theft by a parent is always a possibility, the parents aren't always to blame. Sometimes, the thief is another family member or someone close, like a social worker, foster home employee, or teacher.
Parents or guardians must keep their children’s PII as secure as possible to protect them social security identity theft.
Here’s how:
📚 Related: How To Freeze Your Social Security Number (SSN Self Lock) →
Aura's Family Plan covers up to five members — adults or children — and is available on a 14-day free trial basis.
Children are vulnerable to identity theft, especially if they live in unstable environments or a home where parents have money struggles. Years of undetected financial abuse can set the child up for a challenging life, as bad credit can deny them bank accounts, a car, a home, or even a job.
The best way to keep children's identity safe is to use a digital security solution like Aura’s family protection plan. It offers 24/7/365 credit monitoring, proactive alerts about suspicious activity, and a $1M insurance policy to cover eligible losses resulting from identity fraud.
Editorial note: Our articles provide educational information for you to increase awareness about digital safety. Aura’s services may not provide the exact features we write about, nor may cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat discussed in our articles. Please review our Terms during enrollment or setup for more information. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime.