Digital Security 101

How To Quickly Identify a Scammer (Online, Phone, and Text)
Data breaches and AI have helped scammers become more convincing — but there are still common red flags that can warn you if you’re being scammed.

What To Do If Your Personal Information Has Been Compromised
Your personal information — including your email, phone number, and even SSN — can be compromised in a data breach or hack, putting you at risk of fraud.

What Are Steam Card Scams? How Can You Avoid Them?
While Steam gift cards are typically used to buy video games sold by the gaming platform, they can also be used in various card scams.

How To Spot a Scammer on a Dating Site: 9 Warning Signs
50% of Americans who have used a dating app in the past five years have experienced catfishing. Here’s how to spot a scammer on a dating site.

How To Recognize and Report Coinbase Scam Emails
Fraudsters use Coinbase scam emails to impersonate the company and dupe users into sharing login information. Here’s what can happen after.

The 7 Latest Chase Bank Scams (and How To Avoid Them)
Are you a Chase Bank customer? Don’t get scammed! Learn about the 7 latest Chase Bank scams (and how to avoid them).

Is Credit Monitoring Actually Worth It? How To Decide
Credit monitoring can protect you against fraud. But do you need to pay for it? Learn what credit monitoring does and how to decide if you need it.

How To Prevent Credit Card Fraud: 10 Essential Steps
Criminals use your physical card or stolen credit card numbers to make purchases in your name or impersonate you — here's how you can stop them.

Is Credit Monitoring Actually Worth It? How To Decide
Credit monitoring can protect you against fraud. But do you need to pay for it? Learn what credit monitoring does and how to decide if you need it.

How To Prevent Credit Card Fraud: 10 Essential Steps
Criminals use your physical card or stolen credit card numbers to make purchases in your name or impersonate you — here's how you can stop them.

How To Block Text Messages From Unknown Numbers (NEW)
Is your phone being bombarded with text messages from strangers? Learn the easiest ways to block text messages from unknown numbers.

Do You Need Credit Monitoring or Identity Theft Protection?
What protects you (and your finances) more: identity theft protection or credit monitoring? Learn the benefits (and limitations) of both in this showdown.

How To Avoid Google Chat Scams (9 Warning Signs)
Scammers have started targeting victims via Google Chat. Learn about the latest Google Chat scams, how to spot a scammer, and what to do if you’re a victim.

The 10 Biggest Instagram Scams Happening Right Now
Instagram scammers can create fake accounts or hack into Instagram accounts that you follow. Here are 10 Instagram scams to steer clear of this year.