Is your kid ready
for a cell phone?

“When should my kid get their first cell phone?” is the age-old question (at least of this generation). It might feel like a tough decision now, but we’re here to help.

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Youn girl on phoneTeen boy playing game

First things first.
Who’s actually starting this conversation?

Cute illustration of hand giving peace sign

Expert advice

“Social media is about kids connecting. It is important for kids to connect. What I advise is asking, ‘are you able to maintain your connections with your peers without digital technology?’”

— Dr. Lisa Damour

Dr. Lisa Damour

“Social media is about kids connecting. It is important for kids to connect. What I advise is asking, ‘are you able to maintain your connections with your peers without digital technology?”

— Dr. Lisa Damour

How often does your kid lose or misplace their stuff?

Cute illustration of magnifying glass

How does your kid 
handle talking about uncomfortable topics with you?

Cute illustration of speech bubble

Expert advice

“My advice to parents is to have conversations around media, technology, the internet, every day. That makes it easier for for kids to come to you when they do run in to something challenging.”

— Merve Lapus, Common Sense Media

Merve Lapus headshot

“My advice to parents is to have conversations around media, technology, the internet, every day. That makes it easier for for kids to come to you when they do run in to something challenging.”

— Merve Lapus, Common Sense Media

What rules does your kid’s school have around cell phone usage?

Cute illustration of hand and pencil writing

Consider this

Two young girls at school looking at phone

Check the rules your kid’s school has around cell phone usage. These rules might affect how and when your child can use their phone, impacting your decision.


Are you ready to lay down some ground rules (and stick to them)?

Cute illustration of of person reading

Expert advice

Dr. Lisa Damour

“When we handed over devices, we said, ‘this never goes in your bedroom.’  The kid who’s asking for a phone will agree to anything!”

— Dr. Lisa Damour


How does your kid handle decision-making when you’re not around?

Cute illustration of light bulb

How well does your kid do with current house rules around screen time (TV, video games, etc.)?

Cute illustration of game controller

Expert advice

“What are they doing instead of being online? Sleep is number one, but also getting outside, getting exercise, having real-life interactions – are all of the things that happen outside of screen time happening?”

— Dr. Aliza Pressman

Dr. Aliza Pressman headshot

“What are they doing instead of being online? Sleep is number one, but also getting outside, getting exercise, having real-life interactions – are all of the things that happen outside of screen time happening?”

— Dr. Aliza Pressman

Do you try to model good cell phone habits for your kid?

Cute illustration of eyes

Consider this

Person's hands scrolling on a phone

Have you thought about how your own phone habits might influence your kid’s behavior? Children often model their behavior on what they see at home.


Does your kid already have their own phone?
(No judgement here!)

Illustration of a tilted question mark

Do you talk to other parents about your kids using cell phones and social media?


The struggle is real

Navigating cell phone usage can be challenging—there's a lot to consider. Share this quiz with another parent who could use it, too!

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The results are in...

Looks like you’re on the right track!

Way to go! You seem to be really on top of this whole cell phone thing. It looks like your kid is emotionally and socially ready, and the two of you are ready to introduce the responsibilities of a phone. Read on to see how to handle it like a rock star!*

Animated GIF of 90s kid giving a thumbs up
The results are in...

A cell phone is within reach!

According to your answers, it looks like there might be some room for improvement. Your kid seems to be somewhat ready, but you might want to take some time to think through their social, emotional, and practical readiness.*

Animated GIF of TV host grasping for something
The results are in...

We have some work to do…

It looks like there’s room for growth before introducing a cell phone into the picture. Sometimes, kids need more time to develop their emotional management skills and rule-following. It might also be a good idea to explore how you could improve your boundary-setting and readiness.*

Animated GIF of woman scrunching her face
The results are in...

Not quite ready… yet!

First off, you should know that it’s okay to need more time! Our recommendation is to develop your kid’s emotional resilience and responsibility. Working on these areas could help set you up for success when it’s time to revisit this conversation.

Animated GIF of wrestler with hand out to signify stop!

“My sister sent me this quiz at the perfect time! My son really wants a phone, but now I feel like I'll really know when we're ready.”

— Michelle B., Mom

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Protection for kids. Peace of mind for parents.

Whether your kids are using shared family devices or getting their first cell phone, Aura is right there to help. Block sites and apps, limit screen time, view online activity, and more.

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Young girl looking at phone
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