Digital Security 101

How To Quickly Identify a Scammer (Online, Phone, and Text)
Data breaches and AI have helped scammers become more convincing — but there are still common red flags that can warn you if you’re being scammed.

What To Do If Your Personal Information Has Been Compromised
Your personal information — including your email, phone number, and even SSN — can be compromised in a data breach or hack, putting you at risk of fraud.

14 Dangers of Identity Theft That Can Leave You Reeling
From financial devastation to emotional pain, the dangers of identity theft are serious. Don't let identity theft cripple your life.

How To Identify Veterans Charity Scams (10 Examples)
Here’s how to spot a veterans charity scam and make sure your donations are going to the right place — in the pockets of our veterans.

Why Do Scammers Want Gift Cards?
Is it safe to pay with gift cards? Learn the latest gift card scams and why scammers always seem to want gift cards.

How To Avoid the Worst Christmas Scams of 2023
Scammers have sunk to new lows this Christmas season, even targeting your grandparents. Learn how to protect yourself while shopping online this year.

Can Macs Get Viruses? How To Remove Malware From Macs
Yes, Mac computers can be infected with malware and other viruses. Learn how to identify a virus and safely remove malware from your Mac.

How To Identify (and Avoid) Apple Gift Card Scams
Did someone request payment with Apple gift cards? It’s most likely a scam. Learn the latest Apple gift card scams and what to do if you’ve been targeted.

Would You Fall For These 9 Craigslist Scams?
Craigslist scams are hard to prosecute because scammers operate outside of your home country or use stolen identities. Here are 9 ways to shop safely.

17 Types of Cyber Attacks Commonly Used By Hackers
Cybercriminals are getting smarter and more sophisticated with their attacks. To stay safe, here are the latest threats you need to know.

How To Spot a Bank of America Phishing Email
Did you get a suspicious email from Bank of America? It could be a scam. Learn to spot the warning signs of a Bank of America phishing email.

Did You Get a Dark Web Alert? How To Secure Your Accounts
If your PII surfaces on a cybercrime forum or website, there are ways for you to receive early notifications. This is where Dark Web alerts come in.

Scammed Using Apple Pay? Here's How To Get Your Money Back
Were you scammed on Apple Pay? Here’s how you can identify common Apple Pay scams and dispute fraudulent charges to try and get your money back.

Was Your IP Address Hacked? How To Tell & What To Do
If your IP address is hacked, scammers can gain enough information to break into your financial accounts or steal your identity. Here’s how to stay safe.